
NHSBCA Leadership Biography


Steve Witty

NHSBCA Executive Board Member Emeritus (Iowa)

Don Logan has been active in the Iowa Basketball Coaches Association (www.iowabca.org) since the Spring of 1978. After serving a term as President, he became the Executive Director in April of 1984. Since that time, the IBCA has grown in members from 600 to over 3000, and in clinic attendance from 250 to over 1000. He has instituted many new programs and features within the IBCA and has helped other states grow as well. In addition, the present NHSBCA had its roots with the National Federation Sectional meetings that he attended and led for many years. Don has coached basketball at all levels from 7th grade to head varsity, and in his 27 years of coaching basketball Don has garnered numerous awards and honors. He was among the first class of honorees in the NHSBCA Court of Honor and is currently serving as an Executive Board member with the NHSBCA (National High School Basketball Coaches Association). (dlogan@iowabca.org).